Enroll in GRCC's Treble or Concert Choir. There's still time!

Call 804-201-1894 to find out how you can enroll for the 2015-2016 season. Rehearsals begin September 14 (intermediate Concert Choir) and September 15 (beginner Treble Choir.) We have an exciting season planned. Do you know a kid who loves to sing?

Join now and you will get to participate in the following special event, featuring Dr. Paul Kwami, director of the famed Fisk University Jubilee Singers:

Sat., October 17, Singing in the Spirit, First African Baptist Church, 2700 Hanes Avenue, RVA, all-day workshop with First African Baptist, Trinity Baptist, and Ebenezer Baptist Adult and Children's Choirs with guest director Dr. Paul Kwami, 4:00 p.m. celebration of music open to the public - All Choirs (About Dr. Kwami, click here)