November 23, 2022

Practice Notes for Upcoming Performances. And some thoughts about practicing can be found here.

Cantare at U of R Basketball game (December 10):

Please secure and memorize your part for the National Anthem. Complete memory is expected by December 5. This arrangement is somewhat challenging. Study it every day.

All choirs for Caroling in the Park (December 11):

In booklet with “White Christmas” on the front:

Rudolph – This should be fully memorized by the week of December 5th

In thick caroling booklet:

The First Nowell and O Little Town of Bethlehem – Cantare should study parts on these carols. Treble and Concert choirs will sing the melody in unison. All Pro Arte sopranos (I and II) should learn the descant for the refrain - the Treble and Concert choirs can carry the melody.

We Wish You a Joyful Holiday – This should be fully memorized by December 5th. Please secure your assigned parts.

Joy to the World – everyone in unison.